The Responsible Christian

Author Jose R. Silva Delgado shows us how to become faithful stewards. In a parable, Jesus commended two good stewards who had managed their assets wisely and condemned the one who did nothing with what he had been given. This course teaches how to manage and invest what God has entrusted to us, so that one day He will say, "'Well done, good and faithful servant…. Come and share your master’s happiness!'" (Matthew 25:23).

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In this lesson we will learn the truth that we are not the owners of what we possess because it is God who is the owner of everything that exists. If you really understand the full meaning of this truth, it will revolutionize your life and ministry.

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In this lesson you will study your role as steward of the things that belong to God. You will discover that stewardship has to do with all of the Christian life, not just a part of it.

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In this lesson you will learn how to manage your life as God wants you to. First, you will learn about God’s plan for your life and second you will learn about your part within this plan.

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As God’s stewards we haven the great inescapable responsibility of faithfully managing what God has given us. In regard to our personality, our responsibility is to guard it and develop it until we become like Christ.

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In this lesson you will learn how to exercise stewardship over your body. You will find useful instructions on how to use your body for God’s glory, keep it in good condition, and present it in an appropriate way in front of others.

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This lesson will give you some ideas on how to make good use of your time and will teach you how to discover, develop, and use your abilities for God’s glory.

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This lesson sets forth the principles of money and possessions that should guide you, the attitude you should have, and the techniques that will help you carry out your duty.

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As a Christian worker or believer, you need to know what to do in order to be a good steward of your home. You will learn how to manage your family and to use your house as God wants you to.

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In this lesson you will find suggestions on how to mobilize the members of your church to carry out the Great Commission and will be given some ideas on how to improve the financial situation of your church.

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This lesson will help you discover different ways you can exercise your stewardship in the community as a witness, citizen, or neighbor.

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