Solving Life's Problems

When you are having problems, do you know where to find answers? Author Dorothy Johns helps you turn your problems into victories. There are no clear-cut solutions for some of the problems that confront us. However, the Bible gives guidelines for finding solutions to many of life’s problems. It is not God’s will that Christians be defeated. As you study this course and apply the principles of problem solving, you will discover the wonderful blessing of allowing your problem-solver, Jesus Christ, to help you.

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In this lesson we will consider the source of our problems, and why we must all face problems. Understanding why things happen helps us to understand ways of finding solutions, or of turning our problems into opportunities to grow stronger in our Christian experience.

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In this lesson we will study a Christian approach to finding solutions to our problems. God has provided many helps for us. We can take our heavy burdens to Him and know that He will help us through these problems.

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In this lesson we will consider some Christian principles for problem solving. When you follow these principles, you can expect God to work with you, and you can expect to work through every problem with joy and victory!

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In this lesson we will look at some critical problem areas in the light of our relationship with Christ, and through Him, with others who may not know Him, and who are motivated by selfish desires alone. How are Christians to deal with these problems that are part of our daily experience? The Bible gives very positive guidelines for the ways we should act and react.

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As you study this lesson, you will learn Biblical solutions to various family problems.

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In this lesson, we will discover some very positive values of the single life, and how they can contribute to a satisfying and meaningful lifestyle for the single person.

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In this lesson we will discuss the boundaries God has set for sexual expression, and we will answer the question, “What are the biblical principles which should govern sexuality in the Christian believer’s life?”

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In this lesson we will identify causes of depression, and discover what resources are available to help the Christian prevent or overcome times of depression. We will also look at ways to help others who are experiencing depression. We can put our hope in God and know that He has not forgotten us!

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Our purpose in this lesson is to discuss ways suffering and death bring problems into human lives, and how the Christian should approach these problems. How we respond to painful experiences is of utmost importance, as we consider them in the light of eternal values.

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In this lesson, we will learn promises of God from the Scriptures that we can claim and base our hope on Christ the Overcomer!

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