Abundant Living

A sterling character does not happen by accident. Christian character is developed as the Holy Spirit produces His fruit in the believer. The fruit of the Spirit, described in Galatians 5:22–23, is the result of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Author Antonio Gilberto da Silva offers a practical study from Galatians 5 and other related Scripture passages. This course emphasizes the development of desirable qualities such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, and their benefits in the Christian’s relationships and service.

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In this lesson you will study what the Bible says about the fruit of the Spirit, which is Christian character, and how it is produced in your life by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that you may honor God.

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In this lesson you will study the meaning of love as the fruit of the Spirit, and how it is manifested in the life of the believer. You can love even as Christ loved, as the fruit of love is developed in you!

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In this lesson you will discover that the fruit of spiritual joy is developed in us by the Holy Spirit as we recognize our position in Christ; as we see God act in miracle-working power through us and around us; and as we anticipate our glorious future with Him in eternity.

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In this lesson we will examine the source of our peace, which is produced in us by the Holy Spirit. You will discover that it is possible to know peace and serenity in the most violent storms of life. The love of God brings perfect peace to those who put their trust in Him.

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This lesson will help you to see the importance of patience, and will show ways you can cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He produces this fruit in you. Patience is the fruit of perseverance— standing firm in your faith, holding on when there is nothing more you can do—waiting upon the Lord!

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We usually think of kindness as an expression of love from one person to another, and of goodness as a quality of being pure. In this lesson you will see that the biblical use of these two words is somewhat different from today’s more general usage, and that kindness and goodness include many aspects of the expression of love. The Holy Spirit produces in us kindness and goodness, helping us to minister to the world with the love of Jesus.

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In this lesson you will learn that there are different aspects of faith, and one of these is faithfulness as the fruit of the Spirit. Your faith is proved by your faithfulness. It is based on belief in God and a deep, abiding trust that will sustain you in every circumstance in life. It is demonstrated by your trustworthiness and consistent Christian life. This lesson will help you to examine your faithfulness to the kingdom of God and will encourage you to allow the Holy Spirit to produce this fruit more in you.

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This lesson will help you to understand the importance of gentleness as the fruit of the Spirit. As a faithful sheep, may you follow where your Master leads you.

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In this lesson we will look at the last of the nine-fold fruit of the Spirit: self-control. It is the fruit of discipline. The person who is allowing the Holy Spirit to conform him into the image of Jesus will develop self-control in every area of his life.

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In this final lesson we will review the ninefold fruit of the Spirit and look at the relationship between the Old Testament law, Christian liberty, and the fruit of the Spirit. There are laws against many things, but there is no law against fruitbearing, or Christlikeness. Let the Holy Spirit work in your life, so that it will be like a healthy branch, bearing much fruit.

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