The Christian in His Community

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you have already experienced profound changes in your life. Certainly one of these changes was an alteration of your attitude towards others. We are all part of the same community and this 158-page course by Donald Stuckless teaches us that this community is much more than the place where we live. It is a spirit, or attitude that we have towards others and God wants us to realize the importance of demonstrating the proper attitude towards others.

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In this lesson we will study the background and biblical basis of community. The spirit of community was a principle of Christ, who taught us to love one another and care for one another.

This lesson will help you to understand the idea of community. Then you will have a clearer understanding of how wonderful it is to be a part of the Christian community.

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In Lesson 1 we studies the spirit of community. In this lesson we will see how your community is a place where you can show this spirit. But as you study, remember that community is a group of people more than it is a place. No matter where you go, you can be part of a community as you share Christ with others!

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In this lesson you will study how to become spiritually mature. Some people remain baby Christians after many years. This is not God’s plan. God wants us to become mature. He wants us to grow spiritually tall, "reaching to the very height of Christ’s full stature" (Ephesians 4:13). Then we will be able to grow in community with others.

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Has a storekeeper ever shown surprise when you returned extra change that he gave you by mistake? Or have you in some other way shown a high Christian principle, when you could have done otherwise? This is an example of showing a true spirit of community. You were taking a stand for honesty.

In this lesson we will see what it means to take a stand. When we always stand for what is right, no matter what happens, we are standing in community.

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Two men are digging a ditch. A third man walks by, and asks a question:
"What are you doing with the shovel, sir?"
"Oh, I’m just digging this ditch."
"And you, sir?"
"Well, I’m building a beautiful school!"

Are you like the first man, or the second one? Do you see a beautiful building, or just mud to dig? In this lesson we will consider the foundation on which we must build and how to build on that foundation.

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It is a wonderful thing to be known as someone who is always talking about Jesus. It is clear that the things we talk about the most are the things that are closest to our hearts.

In this lesson you will study about the childhood, ministry, and influence that Jesus had when He lived on earth, and the influence He is still having.

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The Bible compares a Christian to both light and salt. In this lesson you will see how you can be light and salt to your community. You will see that having your mind influenced by Christ will help you to reflect His love to the world.

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One of our basic needs is to belong. Belonging to a family gives a sense of comfort and security. When you became a Christian, you became a part of God’s family. In this lesson you will study what it means to belong to the family of God—the community of believers who make up His Church.

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In almost every country of the world the Red Cross Association is at work. They are supported by contributions, or gifts. People do not contribute because they will get something in return, but because they have a desire to help others in times of trouble.

It is the same with our contributions to our community. We contribute our time, money, and talents to community needs because it is right and good to do so. In this lesson we will see how we can prepare ourselves to serve our community better.

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In this lesson you will study ways in which you can continue to put into practice the principles taught in this course. The most important way is to depend on the Holy Spirit. Paul told Timothy, "Continue in the truths that you were taught" (2 Timothy 3:14). The Holy Spirit will help you to continue in community.

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